The Queue
Equal parts dance and theater, The Queue unfolds in a fictional airport, where travelers stumble humorously, tragically and awkwardly into each others’ private lives. The Queue finds its influences in early 20th-century forms of slapstick, vaudeville, Busby Berkeley-style choreography, creaky one-act plays and a 1746 farcical play about a family inheritance.
Lucky Plush Productions
Julia Rhoads & Leslie Buxbaum Danzig
co-creators & co-directors
2013 - 2015
Dance & Physical Theatre Trust of New Zealand
Flynn Center for the Performing Arts, VT
Maui Arts and Cultural Center
Portland Stage Company, ME
The Yard, Martha’s Vineyard, MA
ODC, San Francisco
Hancher Auditorium, University of Iowa
Connecticut College
Hope College-Knickerbocker, MI
North Carolina State University
Juniata Presents, PA
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Luther College Performing Arts, IO
Pivot Arts, Chicago
Links Hall, Chicago